• Question: How did you become involved in robotics?

    Asked by 472cars49 to Iulia on 21 Sep 2017.
    • Photo: Iulia Motoc

      Iulia Motoc answered on 20 Sep 2017:

      I was always kinda interested in sciences. I started doing computer programming when I was in school and this made me be more interested in it. I then went to University and did an undergraduate in Computer Science and moved to UK for my master. Half way through my masters, my supervisor called me in his office and he asked me if I want to do a PhD in robotics. My robot was in his office and as I was listening to the project I decided this is what I want to do.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 20 Sep 2017:

      After I finished my BSc in Maths, I looked at possible PhD positions and found this really great professor who was interested to supervise a study in robotics and artificial intelligence. I emailed him, visited his lab, we talked, and he agreed to supervise me during my PhD. I chose social robotics as a topic, and here I am 🙂

      This is generally a good way to get involved with something you really like on an advanced level: find a professor who is equally interested in your topic. Send them an email, see if they are interested. Visit them, and you might agree a PhD.

      To get into robotics, you may choose a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) subject for university and follow it up from there.

      I hope this answers the question 🙂
