• Question: How do you manage your busy schedule?

    Asked by anon-187177 on 13 Sep 2019.
    • Photo: Agnes Wojtusiak

      Agnes Wojtusiak answered on 13 Sep 2019:

      1. Lists
      2. Lists
      3. Some more lists
      4. Calendar!
      I always write down the things I have to do in a list. I try to focus on the most important ones first, but sometimes a very quick thing pops up, so I do the quick thing first, before getting back to more difficult stuff. I LOVE ticking completed things in a bright fineliner!
      I always write down any deadlines I have – recently I’ve been using an electronic calendar for deadlines, but a paper planner can be just as good.
      And I do my best not to procrastinate too much… I give myself a lot of breaks (I never work for longer than an hour straight without at least a 5-10 minute break, a bit like lessons at school actually), but when it’s not time for a break I try my best to focus on the work.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 17 Sep 2019:

      I can share 3 strategies:

      1.I split my day into blocks, set tasks for each block, and refuse to do anything other than those tasks during that block.
      For example, this morning was devoted entirely to my work with databases. I had emails and instant messages coming in, but I was not looking at any of that until afternoon. That way, what I planned to do is now done, and I don’t have to worry about it 🙂

      2. If it ends up in my calendar – it MUST happen. This means not agreeing to anything unless you are absolutely sure you can make it happen, and conversely, making every effort to achieve what you’ve agreed to do.
      Works wonders, since you are much more stingy with your time and promises, but if you do promise something – it carries weight.

      3. Regular rest time has the same priority as regular work time. This rule keeps you sane and balanced. Burning out (or being bored out of your mind) and needing weeks to recover is no fun for anyone.

      I hope this helps!

    • Photo: Sylvia Soldatou

      Sylvia Soldatou answered on 22 Sep 2019:

      I have an agenda and I use it to make lists-from the simplest to the most challenging and time cosnuming tasks. It is a great feeling ticking off tasks from the list!
      I also try and schedule teh tasks that I know will take more time, in the morning and leave some more relaxing jobs for late afternoon evening.

      It is important to alway keep in mind that there is only 24 hours in a day and you need to keep time for yourself/family/friends etc. Prioritising my daily/monthly/annual tasks has helped a lot
