• Question: How to be more successful than other scientists in the science careers?

    Asked by 959cara48 to Devon, Heather, Krishma, Laura, Richard, Thomas, Tim.S on 19 Jan 2018.
    • Photo: Tim Stephens

      Tim Stephens answered on 19 Jan 2018:

      That depends on what you mean by ‘more successful’. For me, success is about having a job that I like doing and I have that.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 19 Jan 2018:

      I agree that doing a job you really like will make you more motivated to work hard, to think about the challenges outside the office/lab and to make progress.

      Often scientists work in groups (team science) so it’s not about being more successful than the person next to you, it is about contributing your skills and efforts to the collective goal.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 19 Jan 2018:

      One of the websites that goes into defining success and impact of a career (including science) that I currently explore is here: https://80000hours.org Take a look – it seems to provide a very different advice from most (and a scientifically backed one where possible).
