• Question: What do you prefer, biology or chemistry or physics?

    Asked by RoryHowell1 on 21 Sep 2016.
    • Photo: Hayley Moulding

      Hayley Moulding answered on 21 Sep 2016:

      Hey Rory, Thank you for your question.

      My favourite is Biology. I did Biochemistry at University which means I looked at the chemistry of biology! Confusing aye!? I looked at how things worked in biological systems…so those are things like the body, plants and animals. I look at how people eat their food and get all the good bits out of it, how we breathe, how plants breathe and produce food. So what I did was look at these biological systems (humans and plants) but did it by understanding the chemistry of it (different chemicals!) I did enjoy physics but it wasn’t really for me – I was better at biology!

      What is your favourite Rory!?

    • Photo: Marianne Baker

      Marianne Baker answered on 21 Sep 2016:

      Hi Rory!
      When I was at school I really loved chemistry. When I got to university and took some extra chemistry, however, it became obvious that a lot of it is maths!
      Unfortunately I didn’t do maths after GCSE (I wish I did, though) so this was tough.
      I loved the astronomy/space parts of physics, less so mechanics. Biology is where I ended up; I think understanding the world around us, diseases, how organisms work – that’s just really fascinating to me.

    • Photo: Katie Mahon

      Katie Mahon answered on 21 Sep 2016:

      I prefer Physics because it’s all about how things work in the world around us!

      What makes a perfect shot in football, why don’t you feel any forces on your body when travelling in an aeroplane, why does a metal spoon feel colder than a wooden one, why doesn’t a giant ship sink into the sea from the huge weight it’s carrying….

      Physics breaks these everyday questions down to basics!

    • Photo: Melanie Zimmer

      Melanie Zimmer answered on 21 Sep 2016:

      Hi RoryHowell1,

      Back at school in Germany, I had to take two of these subjects for my last 2 years. After struggling through chemistry for years, I decided to choose physics and biology. I really like these subjects (not just because of the cake and Disney movies we watched in both classes once in a while!), and I’m currently even researching into some principles that you can find in nature for software development. 🙂

      You can find more information on that here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swarm_intelligence
      and here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particle_swarm_optimization.

      What about you? Which one(s) do you prefer? 🙂


    • Photo: Rebecca Lacey

      Rebecca Lacey answered on 21 Sep 2016:

      I prefer Biology. I did Alevel Biology and loved it.
      I also did a degree in Human Biology. I still use bits of BIology in my research now looking at health.
      I hated Physics!!

    • Photo: Ollie Brown

      Ollie Brown answered on 21 Sep 2016:

      Well, I am a physicist, so definitely Physics 😀
      I’m quite good at maths, but have a terrible memory, so I always found the other two too difficult to be honest. I started doing A-Level Chemistry, but dropped out after the first term…

    • Photo: Joanna Bagniewska

      Joanna Bagniewska answered on 21 Sep 2016:

      That’s a tough one for me… I suppose the obvious answer would be “biology”, since I’m a zoologist, and that’s a branch of biology… But in school, biology as actually my worst subject – I found that I couldn’t relate to all the little things, like cell biology and molecular biology, and only enjoyed the big stuff, like studying organisms and ecology. I did enjoy physics in school. I suppose if I could go with an alternative option, I’d just say maths!

    • Photo: Rebecca Dewey

      Rebecca Dewey answered on 21 Sep 2016:

      Definitely physics! I remember reading at school that Biology is the Chemistry of living things and Chemistry is the Physics of the electron – so it all boils down to physics!

      Also, there are so many career options open to people with the transferable skills that result from a physics degree. From the people I studied with, there are some who went to work in finance and banking, some in law, patents, etc., some went into design, research and development, various different types of engineering. I think there are so many more options open to physicists.

    • Photo: Evan Keane

      Evan Keane answered on 21 Sep 2016:

      I prefer physics. I guess I would say that as I am a physicist, an astrophysicist in particular as I’m most interested in how stars, galaxies and the Universe works.

      Some people do (cheekily) say that all of chemistry is contained in one physics question, so that physics is more fundamental. Likewise all of biology is just a subset of chemistry. If you follow this to its logical conclusion you get that mathematics is the most important. XKCD illustrates this better than I ever could:


    • Photo: Shona Whittam

      Shona Whittam answered on 21 Sep 2016:

      Definitely physics.

      I did double science at GCSE and dropped both chemistry and biology at A-Level as they weren’t for me. However, working in a medical setting I do wish I had done biology to A-Level as I have to understand the radiobiology of cancerous tumours and heallthy tissues.

    • Photo: Ian Hands-Portman

      Ian Hands-Portman answered on 22 Sep 2016:

      Chemistry or biology, I was never sure which! ( which is why I’m a biochemist ) Chemistry was a lot more fun at school though as the experiments were ‘instant’ – I’m jealous of the chemistry outreach people because they get to do all the bangs and flashes, on the other hand I have a living slime that can solve mazes, it just takes a while.
