• Question: what is your favourite animal and why

    Asked by anon-234863 to Robert, Nina, Natalie, Joanna, Ellen, Debbie, Anthony, Alex on 19 Sep 2019.
    • Photo: Robert Ives

      Robert Ives answered on 19 Sep 2019:

      I have always liked Snow Leopards. Apart from being incredibly intelligent and beautiful animals, they are so well adapted to their environment.

    • Photo: Debbie Crockard

      Debbie Crockard answered on 19 Sep 2019:

      I have 2 favourites is that cheating? My favourite on land is the red panda, i love they way they walk with their paws turned in, and my favourite in the sea is the blob fish because they always look like they need a good hug.

    • Photo: Nina Rzechorzek

      Nina Rzechorzek answered on 19 Sep 2019:

      The Greenland shark – it has the longest known lifespan of any vertebrate species (lives for 300-500 years!)
